Upload Pics for the Yearbook

Please help us compile pictures for the yearbook!  Use the links below to save pics within each category.  This will be a huge help when it's time to put the yearbook together.  

Field Trips & Miscelaneous Pics - by Grade

We want to see all those field trips (this does NOT include Sky Ranch or the Austin trip - there are separate folders for those)!  And if you have any other pictures that don't fit into one of the other categories, post them below.  Please make sure to keep them organized by grade.

Four Houses One Withers

We need your pics from sorting day, the party, house dress up days & house other events


Upload your best Prowl pictures here!  We want pics from the race, carnival, and those fundraising lemonade stands etc.

Glow Party

Let's see those glow sticks in action.

Breakfast With Someone Special

Please upload your breakfast & book fair shopping pictures here. 

Variety Show

Upload your best variety show snaps here!

Art Night

Upload those beautiful works of art!

Texas Day

Yee-haw!  let's see all the rootin' tootin' fun the kids had!

Dress Up Days

Please upload your best pictures from all of our spirit dress-up days to be used in our Yearbook!

Wildcats In the Wild

Upload pics of our Wildcats on the field, in the gym, after school clubs etc... this album is for on-campus and off-campus sports/organizations - aka Withers, YMCA... or any other organization your student participates in sports through.

Our Super Staff